Free Time - Jenny Blake, Swift Press

19,90 €
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Time is not money. Time is life force. Are you consistently doing the work that you and only you can do? Or are you burdened by busywork, the bottleneck blocking your company's profit and potential?Your time is far more precious than money.It is your presence, your memories, your quality of life. As a business owner, you are already paying a risk and pressure tax. For many, growth fuelled by added

EAN: 9781800751453

Výrobca: Slovart

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Time is not money. Time is life force. Are you consistently doing the work that you and only you can do? Or are you burdened by busywork, the bottleneck blocking your company's profit and potential?Your time is far more precious than money.It is your presence, your memories, your quality of life. As a business owner, you are already paying a risk and pressure tax. For many, growth fuelled by added stress is not worth the trade-off.You have an urge to simplify and streamline. Free Time is not about working as little as possible. Nor is it about creating a lifestyle business purely for one's own gain.It is about creating a life-giving business energizing every single person who is a part of it, from the owner to team members, to clients and community. Free Time is about making small investments now to create greater optionality in the future. Free Time is a playbook to free your mind, time, and team for your best work.This book will teach you and your team to operate efficiently and intuitively while earning abundantly, so you can make your greatest contribution as a business owner.


Máte radi knihy? Ak áno, potom ste na správnom webe! Na našom webe ponúkame rozsiahlu ponuku kníh z celého sveta. Naša knižnica je plná najnovších bestsellerov, kultových diel a literárnych klenotov. U nás nájdete knihy pre deti, dospelých, ale aj pre náročného čitateľa. Naša ponuka zahŕňa množstvo žánrov, vrátane detektívok, romantiky, sci-fi, histórie, cestopisov a mnoho ďalších. Zaručujeme vám, že u nás si každý nájde knihu podľa svojho vkusu. Naši zákazníci si môžu vychutnať pohodlie nákupu online a podporiť tak ochranu životného prostredia. Súčasne vám garantujeme najlepšie ceny a rýchle dodanie priamo k vám domov. Buďte súčasťou našej komunity knihomoľov a objavte s nami nové svety a príbehy. Navštívte našu stránku ešte dnes a získajte niečo, čo vám zmení celý svet!

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