The Missing - Michael Rosen, Walker Books

13,25 €
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***As heard on The Jeremy Vine Show***",Michael Rosen is a master of pace and clarity... Essential reading.", - The Times, Children's Book of the Week",Five stars ... extraordinary and affecting.", - The Telegraph, Children's Book of the Week",Rosen handles the difficult topic as sensitively and thoughtfully as you would expect, always writing in a straightforward and accessible

EAN: 9781406386752

Výrobca: Slovart

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***As heard on The Jeremy Vine Show***",Michael Rosen is a master of pace and clarity... Essential reading.", - The Times, Children's Book of the Week",Five stars ... extraordinary and affecting.", - The Telegraph, Children's Book of the Week",Rosen handles the difficult topic as sensitively and thoughtfully as you would expect, always writing in a straightforward and accessible way for children, interspersed with his own poetry.", - BookTrust, the UK's largest reading charityA personal, powerful and resonant account of the Holocaust by one of this country's best-loved children's authors. By turns charming, shocking and heart-breaking, this is the true story of Michael Rosen's search for his relatives who ",went missing", during the Second World War - told through prose, poetry, maps and pictures. When Michael was growing up, stories often hung in the air about his great-uncles: one was a clock-mender and the other a dentist.They were there before the war, his dad would say, and weren't after. Over many years, Michael tried to find out exactly what happened: he interviewed family members, scoured the internet, pored over books and traveled to America and France. The story he uncovered was one of terrible persecution - and it has inspired his poetry for years since.Here, poems old and new are balanced against an immensely readable narrative, both an extraordinary account and a powerful tool for talking to children about the Holocaust. Supported and checked by the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education. ",Fascinating, chilling and poignantly personal", - Financial Times",The Missing may ostensibly concern the Holocaust but, as Rosen makes clear, this is a book about facing down prejudice, defying those who would sow the seeds of hat red and opening our arms to those in need.", - Independent


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